Simplified show judging

Better organize, recruit, and excite

Helping students take their skills to programs nationwide!

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Simple, yet powerful features

Built by coaches for students.

Realtime event ranking

The Sort is a score tracking tool, allowing students to track the enhancement of their skills and allowing collegiate coaches to find them.

Track progress

Track student progress across events and share with recruiters.

Recruiting made easy

Discover and contact top-performing students across the country.

User friendly

While you focus on coaching and judging, we handle the rest. Simplicity at every step for practice and competitions.

Same competition, new game

If you're a student, The Sort is for you. Show your family, your friends, and recruiters your potential. Student competition scores are ranked in real-time to give you the chance to stand out and be recognized across the nation.

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0 users online.

Collaboration has never been easier

Manage events across your team. Coaches and judges can collaborate together with ease. All changes are updated and reflected immediately so you're always in sync.

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Parent and student accounts are free. Coaches require the Coach Access subscription which is $250 (USD) per year.
Yes! Student profiles can be added to a coach account if students are added to a team using the same email address the coach account was set up with. When creating students for the first time, a claim phrase is generated along with a unique invite code. Anyone with the claim phrase can claim the stuent under their account. Careful who you share the invite code with!
Names on student profiles are always public. Any other personally identifiable information is only public if you want, and only to collegiate coaches who recruit! Scores recorded for contests are public, but scores recorded for practice events are local to the team and are not shared publicly.
Contest scores are public. Anyone accessing The Sort can view them. You can view some scores right now on the Leaderboard page. Scores recorded for practice events are local to the team and are not shared publicly.
Invite codes are unique identifiers that allow The Sort users to find student profiles. If you have an invite code, you can easily find the student associated with it!

Try The Sort today!

Parent and student accounts are free to create.

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